Fond de fleurs de chanvre vert

The Guide to CBD


What do you need to know about CBD?

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is one of the many molecules that make up the age-old hemp plant. This substance, contained in Kaya products notably for its anti-stress benefits, is widely used in certain countries such as France, Switzerland, Canada and the United States as well as the UK.

If you’re looking for a solution to better manage your stress in everyday life, then CBD may be the answer. But taking the plunge can be hard. Especially if you don’t know much about the molecule. Or if you mistake it for THC, which is also extracted from hemp.

Luckily, there are lots of recent scientific studies that can provide you with clear and reliable information on the subject.

Discovering Cannabidiol

At Kaya, we like to be transparent. Which is why we’ve compiled this comprehensive guide to help you better understand cannabidiol:

What is CBD?
Is CBD legal in the UK?
What are the benefits of CBD?
Is CBD proven to be effective?
What are the side effects of CBD?
Why take CBD?
How to take CBD?
Which CBD product should you choose?
What should you check before buying CBD in the UK?
CBD Glossary

If you have any more questions after reading this guide, then feel free to contact us. We’d be happy to tell you more about our products’ ingredients and properties. Our products are the perfect allies to always have on hand, whether to manage your anxiety, improve your sleep or boost your energy levels.

Tout savoir sur le CBD

What Is CBD?


Rodin avec une feuille de chanvre

People often associate hemp with cannabis. Although hemp and cannabis belong to the same species (Cannabis Sativa) and family (Cannabaceae), the similarities end there.

So, how are they different? Cannabis quite simply has a much higher THC content than hemp. THC is a cannabinoid molecule with psychoactive effects. To this day, it is still illegal in the UK. The THC concentration in cannabis is between 15 to 25% on average… Whereas it should not exceed 0.2% in industrial hemp.

This guide doesn’t focus on THC, but CBD. This cannabinoid molecule is legal in the UK and has no health risks. In fact, hemp-based cannabidiol even has proven health benefits.

Hemp: An Exceptional Plant

Hemp is one of the oldest plants cultivated by man and its use dates back to Neolithic times. Back then, hemp was primarily used to produce textile fibres, but it was also known for its medicinal properties.

So, what’s the situation today? The UK is currently the largest industrial hemp producer in Europe. Industrial hemp is defined as having a THC concentration of less than 0,2%. It is completely legal.

Industrial hemp can be used for many purposes:

  • The stalk is used to make textile fibres and construction materials, such as hemp concrete.
  • The flowers, made up of almost 110 cannabinoids, are transformed into seeds.
  • After flowering in late summer, the flowers turn into seeds and no longer contain any cannabinoids. The seeds are used to produce hemp oil and flour. Hemp flour is known for its high protein content.

In the UK, although CBD cannot be produced out of British hemp for now, discussions are ongoing with trade associations and official bodies to change the UK regulation. Farmers should be able to harvest hemp crops in the near future.

Hemp has also been cultivated for centuries because it is so environmentally friendly:

  • It doesn’t need much water,
  • It doesn’t need fertiliser or pesticides to grow,
  • It captures as much CO2 as a forest,
  • It is naturally anti-parasitic,
  • It is produced locally.
Feuille de chanvre avec molécule de CBD

What Do You Need to Know About CBD?

There are 3 types of cannabinoids:

  • Endocannabinoids, which are naturally produced by our bodies,
  • Phytocannabinoids, which are mainly produced by the Cannabis Sativa plant,
  • Synthetic cannabinoids, which are produced in labs for medical purposes.

CBD, like THC, is a phytocannabinoid. Both molecules are extracted from hemp and, more specifically, the flowers. However, these cannabinoids are very different:

  • Cannabidiol is legal and safe to use. It has calming and relaxing properties, but no psychoactive effect. It does not produce a feeling of intoxication and there is no risk of addiction. Its benefits are multiple and proven.
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is illegal. It has a psychoactive effect and there is a risk of addiction.

How is CBD extracted?

There are 3 main extraction methods to obtain CBD:

  • Carbon dioxide: CO2 extraction uses supercritical carbon dioxide to separate the plant matter from the CBD. This is currently the most beneficial extraction method. It doesn’t require any chemical solvents or high temperatures, which makes it both safer and more effective in obtaining an optimal cannabidiol concentration. This is of course the technique selected by Kaya.
  • Steam distillation: in this case, the steam separates the CBD oil from the plant matter. This technique is not ideal because if the temperature of the steam is too high, the cannabinoid chemical properties may be altered.
  • Solvents (hydrocarbon and natural solvents): this is the same process as steam, but more or less natural solvents are used to separate the CBD from the plant matter instead of water. This technique is more effective and less expensive than steam to obtain cannabidiol, but it can leave toxic residues that are very bad for your health.

How Does Cannabidiol Work in the Body?

Before trying CBD for the first time, it is important to understand how this molecule acts on your body.

Everyone has cannabinoid receptors in their bodies. This is the endocannabinoid system. Some people have more receptors than others, which explains why everyone reacts differently to cannabinoids.

There are 2 types of receptors:

  • CB1 receptors, that react to THC,
  • CB2 receptors, that react to CBD.

To put it simply, cannabidiol acts on your nervous and immune systems, and therefore directly impacts your mood, anxiety levels, performance and inflammation.

Now that you know how it works, what’s the best way to consume it, to get the most out of its benefits? The molecule is available in multiple forms, including:

  • Oil,
  • Capsules,
  • Drinks and herbal tea,
  • Cosmetics,
  • Medicine (for humans as well as animals),
  • Vaping,
  • Etc.

CBD bioavailability, i.e., the molecule’s ability to pass into the bloodstream, varies greatly depending on how it is administered. It is also important to know that CBD is a fat soluble molecule. This means that putting a few drops of oil under your tongue will be more effective than drinking a cannabidiol-based herbal tea.

In the UK, CBD is still a largely unknown molecule. However, its benefits are now proven and there are a number of very effective products containing this molecule on the market, such as Kaya’s different ranges.

Le CBD est-il légal en France ?

Is CBD legal in the UK?


In the UK, THC is illegal in any form. However, CBD can be consumed legally.


You may be wondering why the regulations are so different for these 2 molecules. After all, they’re both extracted from hemp. Yet the 2 molecules couldn’t be more different. One has psychoactive properties, while the other does not.


Over the past few years, regulations surrounding hemp and its molecules have changed considerably. Let’s take a look at the current legislation in the UK.


##Can You Legally Buy and Consume CBD in the UK?


The answer is yes! Which is great news for anyone who suffers from stress. You can legally buy and consume CBD in the UK.


It is also legal for health professionals to recommend this cannabidiol to patients, particularly to help treat sleep disorders or anxiety. However, health professionals are not currently authorised to distribute these products.

Rayon de produits au CBD KAYA

Legislation on Hemp and Cannabidiol in the UK

At a first glance, CBD legislation in the UK may seem complicated. In order to understand it better, it is important to distinguish between the legal status of hemp, the cannabidiol molecule and the finished products.




In the UK and in Europe, the cultivation of hemp is authorised on 3 conditions:

  • The plant’s THC concentration must not exceed 0.2%,

  • The variety must be included in the European list of authorised varieties,

  • Use of the flower is still prohibited.

The molecule


Cannabidiol is also legal in the UK. On the 19th of November 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) clarified the status of the CBD molecule extracted from authorised hemp plants:

  • It is not a drug,

  • The molecule is not harmful to health,

  • Any country wishing to ban cannabidiol, as a precautionary matter, must prove that it is a health risk,

Finished products


The CBD legislation in the UK varies again when it comes to finished products:

  • Cosmetics containing cannabidiol are legal as long as they comply with general regulations on cosmetics.

  • Smoking products containing CBD are illegal, provided that there are no traces of THC. Since it is impossible to obtain 0% THC in flowers to smoke, they are not allowed.

  • As for food, CBD is considered a “novel food” in Europe. Before being marketed, these products must therefore be submitted to the European Commission and the FSA (Food Safety Authority) to prove that the ingredient is not a health risk.


We have submitted a request that it is currently in the process of being approved, in partnership with the EIHA (European Industrial Hemp Association).


Le CBD n'est pas du THC

CBD: A Legal Molecule, not to be confused with THC

To recap, CBD is legal, whereas THC is not.

The explanation is simple:

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol has a psychoactive effect as well as a high risk of addiction and produces a feeling of intoxication.
  • Cannabidiol is not psychoactive or addictive and does not produce a feeling of intoxication. This molecule even has proven health benefits.

To put it simply, you won’t feel high or risk becoming addicted after taking a product with cannabidiol. You will simply feel calm and relaxed!

The World Health Organisation has also officially ruled on this molecule: it is not a controlled substance and is proven safe.

Moreover, still according to the WHO, you can drive after consuming it. Cannabidiol is no longer classed as a doping substance either. The molecule has been removed from the list of doping products in sport, unlike THC, which remains on the list.

What to Remember

There are effective and legal solutions that can help reduce stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. Kaya’s products all comply with UK and European legislation, so it is perfectly legal to use them!

Quels sont les bienfaits du CBD ?

What Are the Benefits of CBD?


Kaya products are formulated with cannabidiol. We chose this hemp-based molecule for its proven therapeutic virtues. And unlike THC, it is not addictive, which makes it the perfect companion in lots of different situations.

infographic explaining what cbd is good at tackling

What Are the Proven Health Effects of CBD?

Multiple studies have been carried out on the cannabidiol molecule since the 1960s. At the time, the aim was to prove that cannabinoids could be used in pharmacology. They soon discovered that CBD had therapeutic properties that could help combat some of society’s common ailments:

  • Anxiety and stress,
  • Sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, chronic fatigue),
  • Skin problems (eczema, acne),
  • Feelings of depression, etc.

Some studies have also shown that the substance can help combat inflammation and juvenile epilepsy.

The effectiveness of cannabidiol on these various illnesses and disorders has been proven by a number of scientific studies throughout the world. These same studies have also proven that the substance isn’t harmful to health and there is no risk of addiction, unlike THC.

If you want to use CBD during an intense period of stress, it’s reassuring to know that it is effective and that you won’t become addicted. To fully benefit from the molecule, it is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Think of cannabidiol as a proven, effective boost.

The Unknown Benefits of CBD

Scientists believe that there is still a lot to discover about cannabinoids. There may be even more benefits than those that have already been proven:

  • The molecule is said to have therapeutic values that can help with pain: migraines, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, etc. This has not been 100% proven yet, but the first results are promising.
  • Cannabidiol is also believed to have a positive effect on serious illnesses such as cancer or neurodegeneration (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.). The results from the first studies, carried out in the late 90s, are encouraging.

In a few years’ time, we’ll know more about cannabidiol and its health benefits. Meanwhile, you can use Kaya products to improve your quality of life. A good night’s sleep and reduced stress levels are still the best ways to feel happy and rested!

Quels sont les bienfaits du CBD ?

Is CBD Proven to be Effective?


Cannabidiol is said to be effective against pain, stress, sleep issues and many other health disorders. At least that’s what the sales blurb on CBD products says.

So, where does the truth lie? Has the effectiveness of this molecule been scientifically proven? Is it as effective from one person to the next?

Fioles et l'efficacité du CBD

The Effectiveness of Cannabidiol Has Been Scientifically Proven

Good news! This molecule really is effective and has been scientifically proven.

Over the past few years, a lot of research has been done on cannabinoids and the results are clear:

-Cannabidiol has been proven to combat juvenile epilepsy (1), stress (2), skin problems, sleep disorders (3) and inflammation (4). -Other studies show positive effects on pain (5) and potential effects on serious illnesses, such as cancer (6) and neurodegenerative illnesses (7).

More studies will be carried out on CBD in years to come, particularly to prove its pain-relieving properties or reduction of neuronal degeneration.

The Effects of CBD Vary From One Person to the Next

Although the molecule has been proven to be effective, it is important to keep in mind that it varies from one person to the next. This can be explained by the fact that we don’t all have the same number of CB1 or CB2 receptors in our body.

If 2 people take exactly the same amount of cannabidiol, they may not necessarily react in the same way. Let’s take an example. 2 individuals who struggle to fall asleep at night decide to take cannabinoids for the first time:

  • The first falls asleep more easily.
  • The second feels a little drowsy, but not enough to easily fall asleep.

This doesn’t mean that the molecule is not effective, just that the right dosage hasn’t been found for both individuals. If you can’t feel any effects, then you need to gradually increase the dosage, without exceeding the daily limit.

We recommend starting with a low dose when trying a CBD product for the first time to improve your sleep or manage everyday stress. If your body doesn’t react (or if the effects are too intense), then the dose needs to be adjusted.

  1. Long-term safety and efficacy of cannabidiol in children and adults with treatment resistant Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome: Expanded access program results
  2. Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series
  3. Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series
  4. Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol
  5. Cannabidiol (CBD) for Treatment of Neurofibromatosis-related Pain and Concomitant Mood Disorder: A Case Report
  6. Cannabidiol (CBD) as a Promising Anti-Cancer Drug
  7. From Cannabis sativa to Cannabidiol: Promising Therapeutic Candidate for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Le CBD provoque-t-il des effets secondaires ?

What Are the Side Effects of CBD?


When life is stressful, you may feel irritable, struggle to get a good night’s sleep or dread going to work. Luckily, there are lots of solutions to regain a sense of calm, such as meditation, exercise, a balanced diet, self-care, etc. CBD products can also help you feel better.

Afterall, it’s scientifically proven… This hemp-based molecule is effective in managing stress, so that you can regain a sense of balance in your life.

However, possible side effects may be holding you back from trying cannabidiol. So, are there any? Don’t worry! There are a few side effects, but they’re very rare. The molecule is not only effective in combating stress or sleeping disorders, but also safe and non-toxic.

Possible Cannabidiol Side Effects

Will you experience any side effects after consuming CBD? Maybe, but it’s very rare!

Here are the side effects that have been reported after taking cannabidiol:

  • Dry mouth: not serious and due to the fact that there are lots of CB1 and CB2 receptors in your salivary glands.
  • Drowsiness and fatigue: some people feel the effects long after taking CBD (e.g., in the morning after taking cannabidiol the night before).
  • Insomnia: the hemp molecule encourages sleep, but some people experience insomnia.
  • Migraines: normally, this cannabinoid helps with migraines, but some people may experience the opposite effect.
  • Change in appetite: CBD tends to suppress the feeling of hunger, but the opposite has also been observed.
  • Low blood pressure: very rare, but possible.
  • Dizziness: some people may feel dizzy, but this is uncommon.

However, these side effects only appear when the dosage is not adapted, and often when it is too high. To eliminate these side effects, the dosage must be reduced. Which is why it is best to start low and gradually increase the dose, rather than the other way round.

Remember that these side effects are rare and that the molecule is safe. After all, the WHO considers that it is safe to drive after consuming this cannabinoid.

Qui peut prendre du CBD ?

Who Can Take CBD?

Cannabidiol is a molecule that is suitable for most people. It can be a trusted ally for stressed-out people or poor sleepers. You just have to find the right dose for you to avoid any side effects. If you start to experience any side effects, such as drowsiness when that was not the desired effect, then you probably need to lower the dose.

However, this molecule is not recommended for the following people:

  • People taking anticoagulants or antidepressants, as there may be a drug interaction.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as cannabidiol may be toxic for foetuses and infants in high doses.
  • Children, as there are not enough studies on CBD at this age (except for juvenile epilepsy, but always seek medical advice first).

At Kaya, we are transparent on the composition of our products, their effectiveness, as well as any possible side effects. We are here to reassure our customers and answer any questions they may have.

Kaya products on pink baackground banner

Why take CBD?


CBD has a certain number of scientifically-proven benefits. Its consumption, in whatever form, can be of great help in a number of situations:

  • Stress,
  • Sleep disorders,
  • Chronic pain,
  • Loss of energy and motivation, etc.

These are all common problems, but that’s not a reason to let them take over your life. If you have any doubts though, it’s best to speak to your doctor first about cannabidiol before trying the molecule for the first time.

Reducing anxiety and stress

Stress, at its origin, is a clever defence mechanism. It helps us gather the tools to react to a hostile situation in just a few seconds.

But today, stress is everywhere: at work, at home, in the streets, on public transport, etc. It’s hard to avoid and it can wear us down and reduce our wellbeing.

When your body sends you certain signals, you need to listen to them to avoid burning out:

  • Anxiety attacks in the middle of the night,
  • Feeling jittery and irritable throughout the day,
  • Sleep problems,
  • Skin problems,
  • Gastro-intestinal problems, etc.

It’s time to say “stop”! Take a deep breath, try to think about something else and give CBD a try. This hemp-based molecule, contained in all Kaya products, is perfect for reducing stress and anxiety. It can help with minor and major stress. Just choose the right product for you and adapt the dosage according to the situation and how your body reacts.

For example, our 5% Adaptogenic CBD Oil is ideal for tackling stressful events during the day. It helps to rebalance your emotions in just 15 minutes.

Retrouver un meilleur sommeil avec le CBD

Improving Your Sleep

When you don’t sleep well at night, it’s often because you’ve been feeling stressed during the day, whether at home or at work. Unfortunately, it’s a vicious cycle:

  • You feel stressed during the day
  • At night, you take several hours to fall asleep
  • You wake up suddenly in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep
  • You feel irritable in the morning, and it impacts the rest of your day
  • And so on…

Let’s take one problem at a time. How can you improve your sleep, so as to manage your busy and stressful life as best as possible? CBD is a great solution. It can help you fall asleep and deal with anxiety in the middle of the night.

For example, if life is particularly stressful and you’re not sleeping well, try our Adaptogenic Sweet Dreams Supplements: 2 capsules every night, 1 hour before going to bed. Then drift off to dreamland…

Relieving Pain

Although it hasn’t been 100% proven, CBD is said to have a positive effect on pain. There are ongoing studies to prove the effectiveness of cannabidiol on muscular pain, endometriosis or migraines.

But one thing is sure: this molecule has anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial. After talking to your doctor, why not try cannabidiol to relieve pain?

Boosting Your Mood

When you feel stressed, you may find yourself feeling low. Taking CBD can help boost your mood, even during periods of constant stress. If you’re feeling exhausted and lacking motivation, try our Adaptogenic Rise & Shine Supplements. In just a few days, you’ll feel lighter, with more energy and motivation.

There’s no doubt that CBD can help when you’re feeling low, but it’s not enough to tackle depression. If you’re having dark thoughts and struggling to get out of bed, it’s best that you speak to a doctor to find a solution. It’s also not a good idea to take cannabidiol at the same time as certain antidepressants.

Combining a healthy lifestyle with cannabidiol, a hemp molecule that is still relatively unknown, can help you feel like yourself again.

Comment utiliser le CBD ?

How to take CBD?


CBD is a trusted ally you can always count on, whether to overcome a stressful period or tackle a lack of motivation.

But when you’re trying this hemp-based molecule for the first time, it can be difficult to know where to start:

  • Which dosage should you choose?
  • Is it the same for everyone?
  • What’s the best time of day to take cannabidiol?

How much CBD should you take?

The cannabidiol molecule has been studied extensively, which is why it’s safe to say that there are no health risks. But make sure that your dosage isn’t too high to avoid any side effects.

According to a study in 2011, Safety and side effects of cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent, the molecule is well tolerated in humans, even in high doses (up to 1,500 mg/day). But this dosage is much too high for reducing stress, relieving pain and improving sleep. It’s not toxic, but it may result in side effects.

In the UK, the first country in Europe to have established a clear regulatory framework for labelling CBD products, the FSA (Food Standards Agency) recommends not exceeding 70 mg/day. At Kaya, we follow this recommendation and advise a maximum consumption of 70 mg/day of CBD.

how to dose CBD for the first time

What’s the Right Dose for You?

It’s important to know the daily limit, so as to avoid any unpleasant side effects. But that doesn’t tell you how much cannabidiol you should take per day.

This depends on several factors:

  • The situation: 10mg of CBD in a Good Vibes Gummy is perfect to help you relax if you’re feeling under pressure, but a few drops of 5% adaptogenic oil (30 mg) would be better for more stressful situations.
  • The person: everyone has a different number of cannabinoid receptors in their body, which explains why people don’t react the same to an identical dose.

At Kaya, we recommend starting with a lower dose for a few days, for example 10 mg/day, and then adjusting it (higher or lower) depending on how your body reacts.

Let’s take an example:

  • To get a good night’s sleep, you decide to take 2 capsules of the Sweet Dreams Adaptogenic Supplements before bed, which contain 20 mg of CBD.
  • It works, you sleep better.
  • But the next morning, you feel tired and drowsy for several hours.
  • It would therefore be best to reduce the dose, for example with one capsule instead of two, or by maybe taking them earlier in the evening.
Reveil Visuel

When Should You Take CBD?

Is it best to take cannabidiol during the day or just before bed? That depends on why you’re using a CBD product in the first place:

  • To fall asleep more easily and enjoy a good night’s sleep, take one or two CBD capsules 1 hour before bed.
  • If you wake up at 2am, try a product such as cannabidiol oil to get back to sleep.

When taking cannabidiol to sleep better, it’s important to listen to your body. If you feel drowsy the next day, reduce the dose OR take the molecule a bit earlier in the evening. Cannabidiol is absorbed in the stomach, so it takes several hours for it to fully enter the bloodstream, which can cause fatigue in some people.

You can also take Kaya products during the day. If you feel stressed after speaking with your manager, for example, have a cannabidiol sweet or chewing gum. The calming effects of the molecule will kick in just 15 minutes later.

There’s no ideal time to consume CBD products. It all depends on the effect you’re looking for and your lifestyle.

The golden rule? Never exceed 70 mg/day!

So, feel free to enjoy a relaxing chewing gum (with 5mg of CBD) twice a day and take 2 Sweet Dreams capsules (20 mg) to help you fall asleep after a stressful day.

Comment choisir ses produits au cbd ?

Which CBD Product Should You Choose?


Everyone’s talking about CBD at the moment. And it’s easy to understand why when you know how effective the molecule is for reducing stress, tackling sleep disorders and relieving pain. As a result, more and more cannabidiol products are popping up on the market.

This can make it difficult to choose:

  • Which product containing cannabidiol best meets your needs?
  • In what form is the molecule most effective?
  • And which of the products developed by Kaya should you opt for?

Which products contain CBD?

When you start looking into CBD, it soon becomes clear that this hemp-based molecule is contained in a lot of products:

  • Medicine for humans and pets,
  • Cosmetics,
  • Flowers to smoke (but remember, these are not legal because they contain THC),
  • E-liquid for electronic cigarettes, etc.

If you want to regain a sense of calm and balance, then cannabidiol products are a natural solution. But once again, there is a wide range to choose from:

  • Tablets or capsules to swallow,
  • Oil to put under your tongue,
  • Sweets,
  • Chewing gum,
  • Drinks (particularly herbal teas).

It’s important to remember that even if these products are all formulated with the same molecule, they’re not all as effective.

Quel mode d’administration privilégier pour consommer du CBD ?

What’s the Best Way to Take CBD?

Cannabidiol bioavailability, i.e., the molecule’s ability to pass into the bloodstream, varies depending on the mode of administration:

  • Very good bioavailability for sublingual oil. It takes effect in 5 to 20 minutes, with a duration of action between 2 to 3 hours on average.
  • Capsules, sweets and chewing gum that are taken orally, also benefit from good bioavailability. However, they work a bit differently: sweets and chewing gum are effective in less than 20 minutes for a short period of time (1 to 2 hours), whereas capsules take longer to act (30 to 60 minutes) but have a longer duration of action (3 to 6 hours).
  • Finally, herbal tea and other drinks containing cannabidiol have a fairly low bioavailability. This is because CBD is fat soluble and not water soluble.

So, what’s the best mode of administration?

  • If you’re looking for something fast-acting, opt for oil, sweets or chewing gum.
  • If you’re looking for something with a long duration of action, go for capsules or other tablets you swallow.
  • Herbal teas and other drinks with CBD are gentler and perfect for staying calm in all situations.

Cannabidiol in Kaya products

The Kaya range includes sublingual oils, capsules to swallow, sweets and chewing gum. The dosage varies depending on the product, which are suited to different people and needs:

  • When the slightest annoyance makes you feel stressed (a rude comment on the tube, a disgruntled customer, a snide comment from a co-worker, etc.), you need a quick solution to calm down. Always have a cannabidiol-based sweet or chewing gum at hand, it’s the perfect way to relax in just a few minutes.
  • When you feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, a sweet or piece of gum isn’t always enough. Try some oil instead. A few drops under the tongue help calm anxiety during the day and at night.
  • When you know that you’re going to go through a stressful period (exams, heavy workload), it may be wise to take a CBD treatment: 1 or 2 capsules every night for 1 month, to ensure that the cannabidiol is effective for longer in your body. Which is ideal for sleeping better and making the most of even the most stressful days.

Some of our products are to be taken throughout the day (sweets, chewing gum, 5% CBD oil), while others are for the evening (Sweet Dreams supplements) and night (Sweet Dreams adaptogenic 10% CBD oil).

Before buying a CBD-based product, it is therefore important to ask yourself:

  • Why do you want to take a CBD product?
  • What effect are you looking for?

The answers to these questions are essential, as they will help you choose the right Kaya product for you.

Big Ben on green background banner

What Should You Check Before Buying CBD in the UK?


Sometimes, all you want is a moment to relax but you can’t. When life gets too busy, you need to find a way to avoid feeling overwhelmed until you have a few days to switch off. So, why not try a CBD product? This hemp-based molecule is the perfect way to reduce stress when life gets a bit much.

So, what should you consider before trying out a product formulated with cannabidiol for the first time? There are lots of products on the Internet, but they aren’t all of equal quality, so it’s important to do some research before you buy.

Choosing a CBD Product that Complies with Regulations

You can legally buy a CBD-based product in Europe and in the UK, as long as it complies with current regulations. For example, to be legal, a product formulated with cannabidiol should not contain any THC.

Kaya-branded products comply with current regulations in the UK and in Europe. It is therefore completely legal to buy from our online store.

phone screen with Kaya Home page

What Should You Check Before Buying a Cannabidiol Product Online?

You can buy lots of cannabidiol products on the Internet. To avoid buying an ineffective or dangerous CBD product, make sure that the brand is trustworthy:

  • The exact composition of the product is visible,
  • There are lots of consumer reviews on the website and they’re mostly positive.

CBD in the UK : A Focus on Kaya Products

Kaya-branded products are an excellent choice when you want to try cannabidiol for the first time:

  • Our products comply with any regulations in force and don’t contain any THC or other illegal substances.
  • The ingredients are included on each of our product pages.
  • We share all our customer reviews because we believe that their experience is essential to help others make the right choice.
  • Our strength? We offer a wide range of products to help with a variety of problems. They’re effective for overcoming stress, sleep disorders, a lack of motivation, etc.

We’re always available for our customers, whatever their questions about our products (ingredients, dosage, benefits, side effects, etc.). Feel free to contact us to find out more about our CBD-based products!

Lexique du CBD

CBD Glossary


Our CBD guide provides a good overview of why this hemp-based molecule is so popular at the moment. Cannabidiol is effective against stress, sleep problems, inflammation and even pain. It is quite simply a form of self-care.

But it is also a complex topic, and it can sometimes be tricky to navigate the different CBD terms. Which is why we’ve drawn up a clear and easy-to-understand glossary.

Broad Spectrum

Broad spectrum CBD has no traces of THC. It is obtained through the same extraction processes as for full spectrum CBD. The difference is that a step is added to remove the THC.


Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a molecule that can be extracted from hemp. It is a cannabinoid and more specifically, a phytocannabinoid, as is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is a relaxing molecule, but unlike THC, it is not psychoactive or addictive. Cannabidiol is legal in the UK and Europe. The only condition for finished products formulated with CBD is that they must not contain THC, which remains an illegal substance.


Cannabinoids are molecules that act on our endocannabinoid system. There are 3 types:

  • Endocannabinoids that are naturally produced by your body (e.g., anandamide, the bliss molecule),
  • Phytocannabinoids that are produced from the Cannabis plant (CBD, THC, CBN, CBG, etc.),
  • Synthetic cannabinoids that are made in labs to produce medicine with “fake-THC” (Dronabinol, Nabilone).


Cannabis is a botanical genus that includes all plants of the Cannabaceae family. In everyday language, cannabis refers to Indian hemp that has psychotropic properties, in particular due to the presence of THC in varying concentrations. However, cannabis as a botanical genus also refers to industrial hemp which is completely legal.


Hemp is a plant that has been cultivated by man for centuries. It has an excellent yield and doesn’t need much water, which makes it very environmentally friendly and easy to grow. When its THC concentration is less than 0.2%, it is called industrial hemp and has many uses: textile fibres, construction materials, oil, flour, etc.

Entourage Effect

The entourage effect, first described in 1998 by cannabis researcher Raphaël Méchoulam, refers to the way in which different hemp compounds interact with each other. As such, the cannabis compounds work in synergy and have more powerful effects than when used separately.

Full Spectrum

Full spectrum CBD is obtained by extracting all the molecules that can be found in hemp. It can therefore contain traces of THC, unlike broad spectrum CBD.


Isolate is a CBD extract that is more than 99% pure. Unlike full or broad spectrum cannabidiol, it does not allow the benefits of the entourage effect.


Phytocannabinoids are cannabinoids produced by the hemp plant. CBD, like THC, is a phytocannabinoid.

Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system can be found in your body. It includes cannabinoid receptors, which everyone has more or less of. The endocannabinoid system is made up of 2 main types of receptors: CB1 and CB2. They react to THC, as well as CBD.


Terpenes are organic compounds found in a large number of plants, especially conifers, but also in hemp.

Terpenes play 2 roles:

  • They have aromatic properties,
  • They interact with cannabinoids. For example, they play a role in the effects of cannabidiol on the body.


THC is the abbreviation of TetraHydroCannabinol. This phytocannabinoid produces a “high” effect, changes our perception and in some cases, can trigger anxiety (bad trips). Unlike CBD, it is illegal in the UK. THC and CBD are often thought of as opposing molecules, even though they are both derived from hemp, since CBD has calming properties, not psychoactive like THC.